Sunday, August 18, 2013

Top Ten Dubai Coffee Shops

Coffee! To some, it is first thing in the day only and to some it is everything that makes them going through daily tiring routine. Some just love coffee because they need something to do whilst they are working - what would be better than to drink coffee and some high school kids love coffee because they are up for tests! Some actually live on coffee and some would actually live for coffee, some people just love coffee because it is coffee! Doesn’t matter why you love coffee and either you live on coffee or you live for coffee; if you are a coffee lover and you live in Dubai then this post is exclusively for you!
Dubai Coffee Shops (Image Reference)
If you love coffee then probably you would know just by the scent of coffee whether it is made for you or not! A great coffee can really make your mood great otherwise it will contribute in just worsening it. They say brewing a perfect coffee is art – looks like it! Not near your place? You will find coffee easily but finding a perfect coffee is something that can become quite a hassle. Not for you if you live in Dubai! Here we go with a list of 10 best coffee places in Dubai which are worth trying out:

Raw Coffee Company

Raw Coffee Company is the place where you get the coffee deserved to be called perfect. You don’t buy and just drink the coffee here but you actually feel the coffee here. RAW is listed as one of the few places in Dubai which roasts its own beans! Perhaps this is the reason why, you always get the fresh coffee actually it get more fresh and from the scent you would know that you are about to be served with coffee of your life! You can say that you won’t get a better Coffee in Dubai than what you get here. RAW certainly means business when it comes to coffee and they do know how to brew a perfect coffee.
Not only do you enjoy the coffee there but you also get to enjoy the great environment too!  

Basta Arts Café

Dubai is exotic, no doubt. Dubai is a great modern city but don’t forget that cities have traditions too. You will find many traditional places in Dubai too. How about a great coffee shop but built on a traditional theme. Their coffee is great and same holds true for salads and other foods. Great thing about Basta is its environment and that would catch you for some time and hopefully you will enjoy your coffee like in no other place. A must-to-visit-place if you are a coffee lover. You would love every sip of the coffee being delivered to you in a big mug. One of the best places for tranquil moments. 

News café

They say coffee of news café is marvelous and it is true! No wonder, why you often find this place crowded with coffee lovers. Indeed, something exquisite is added in their coffee that it makes you coming back for more and more. Moreover it is said that they get a blend of more than 50 kinds of beans and importantly none less than Arabica! A thing to be noted is that News café only serves Illy however their brew is always speechless regardless of the blend or the choice you make from varieties offered. This place has a professional & formal touch to it so you can enjoy coffee whilst dealing with business.


Don’t even think of leaving this place just because its name is not derived from coffee. This place has some surprises ready for you and get ready to alleviate in a great environment and of course with a lovely brewed coffee. Staff is friendly and looks like this is what they put in coffee You will come to love this joint as soon as you take the first sip of your coffee – Cant forget the first sip I had to take!


Not the type of circle, you are getting around to Actually it is a Café specially renowned for its coffee in fact not only coffee but the coffee made from fresh milk – yup so much promising environment with a great any more you want? In serving, you actually get one of the best rounded coffees importantly they prepare their coffee using fresh milk!


Our coffee is great; actually you can even learn this from their staff. To be more experimental, you can try it out for yourself!  Who love the cookies? This place has some mouth watering cookies; you would love to eat over coffee. You cannot call this place as out of this place because this café is made for people & coffee so what you do when you come here is, just enjoy! Whether you are tired off your work routine and want a quick break or you are felling like coffee, Caluccio’s will keep you for some time!


Freshi is not only a great café but it serves a great coffee to its customers and that is all we are concerned over right now! They pay a great care to their brewing machines and don’t get turned off by the display reflecting jars of Nescafe because their instant coffee is something that worth a try actually not to be missed. You won’t like to just sip a coffee in this café on lunch timings so you can even peak at their other courses and if you start to feel the appetite you can always order something or else it is also a great place to pick your coffee.
Menu has variety of Salads, Soups, some great sandwiches and other fast-food.

Il Caffè Di Roma

This place is always crowded and sometimes it is hard to get a table for you if you want to sip coffee in their lounge – there must be something about their coffee that this place is always houseful. Their coffee is certainly good but not the best around however their coffee has uniqueness, stronger than any you would find. So, if you can manage to get through crowd and you want a Strong coffee than this might be the place you would like to sit in and enjoy your coffee. Cappuccino & espresso is the hot in demand here and they are actually good and no wonder when you see people gulping their coffee like water yet being hot.

Bateel Café

This café actually deserves its name in this list; actually this is more of a chain representing the Arabic classics. This place is actually kind of best for Arabic-style coffee in Middle East and certainly their coffee is great. Westerners may have other ideas about what is coffee but coffee served in Bateel is something not to be missed. Arabian owned chain serves a coffee which is not filtered but flavored and spiced with cloves saffron & Cinnamon. You can say that Bateels is Starbucks of Middle east however with much more chains.


As you know from the name they encourage if you demand more and more of their coffee but is it really worth trying it? Certainly their coffee is something not to be missed here in Dubai. More really means when it’s talking of coffee and this is why they have variety in blends and that would cross the mark of 7. It would have been unfair if their name would be omitted from the list! 
At the end you still end up with many places to choose from and you may have to find out what options work best for you. In the end it is you who decides which coffee is the best and which is not. You may completely disagree with this list and say there is nothing better than what you can make yourself - somehow it is true because no one knows your taste better than yourself perhaps Wife is an exception! All in all, this list is gathered to help you find a good coffee while you are away for work o you just want to alleviate out of home with a delicious coffee.

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